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Images Online: Fair Use Policy

The MCA believes the free exchange of knowledge is essential to our Mission to be a place “where the public can experience the work and ideas of living artists, and understand the historical, social, and cultural context of the art of our time.” To that end, we are proud to offer an illustrated database of our permanent collection and exhibition history that online visitors may access freely for their personal and/or scholarly use. In order to provide visitors, students, teachers, and the general public the best possible visual resource, we rely on the doctrine of Fair Use to display copyrighted works, and have followed recommendations outlined in the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use, issued by the College Art Association and in the Guidelines for the Use of Copyrighted Materials and Works of Art by Art Museums, issued by the Association of Art Museum Directors. Users of the online collection and exhibition history are responsible for obtaining any copyright permissions that may be required for their own further uses of the materials published here.

Every reasonable attempt has been made to ensure the credit and caption information supplied is accurately listed. We welcome any uncredited creators to come forward so that we may acknowledge them and correct any errors or omissions.

If you have any questions about our online collection and exhibition history polices or the reproduction of works therein, please contact Elyssa Lange, Manager of Rights and Images, at elange@mcachicago.org.