MCA Studio: Open Doors, Ingri Fiksdal
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Ingri Fiksdal, Cosmic Body
Photo: Antero Heinevent description
Museum visitors are invited to step into the theater and experience Cosmic Body as a scenic and sound installation piece. Inspired by William S. Burroughs's Dreamachine, visitors will have the unique experience of being inside Ingri's own version of the Dreamachine. As visitors walk around, the entire set will be activated by music by electronica/EDM artist Ingvild Langgård and stage design by Signe Becker. This machine, composed of pulsating light, produces complex patterns behind closed eyelids. The patterns become shapes and symbols, and the user feels surrounded by color. By experiencing the set as an art installation piece, visitors gain a visceral experience of what it's like to be inside the Dreamachine. After experiencing the open doors version of the performance, visitors are encouraged to return to see Cosmic Body in its entirety.
About the Artists
Ingvild Langgård is a composer, musician, and artist. Using a wide range of media, she creates sound art, analogue film, and video installation, and has shown nationally and internationally at museums and galleries including the Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art and Kunstnerforbundet {bio: (Oslo); Lydgalleriet (Bergen); and Chashama Gallery, Pulse Art Fair, and the Armory Show (New York). She also works as a curator and cofounded the artist-run gallery Rekord in 2006. Langgård is best known as the composer-singer Phaedra.
Signe Becker is a freelance scenographer and artist. Her artistic projects include theatre- and dance productions, as well as personal art projects. Since 2006, Becker has been a permanent scenographer at Verk Produksjoner. Two out of five of their performances have been nominated for the Norwegian Hedda Award for Performing Arts, and the performances Det eviga leendet (2011)} and Stalker