The Living Room: Freaky Friday
Featured image
Gallery activity with TCA Members, 2013
© MCA ChicagoAbout
What would you have to say to your fifteen-year-old self? What would they have to say to you now? Based around the art in the Eternal Youth exhibition, TCA members invite you to reflect about the past, dream about the future, and contribute to a collective, visual story about who young people are and why they matter.
The Living Room is a monthly pop-up event designed and hosted by the Teen Creative Agency (TCA). Come for conversations, performances, and activities about contemporary art and issues.
About TCA
![Group portrait of youth of various ethnicities on grey steps in front of the Museum of Contemporary Art's second floor entrance](
The 2024–25 TCA group
Photo © MCA ChicagoThe Teen Creative Agency (TCA) is the Museum of Contemporary Art's cultural leadership program for teens age 15–19 years old. TCA members come together from all over the Chicago area to the museum once a week, from September thru June.