Alberto Aguilar, Retelling Objects
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Alberto Aguilar, flip and tip organized chairs at MCA, 2017
Photo courtesy of the artistAbout
Chicago artist Alberto Aguilar mined the museum’s archive of furniture and stored materials to create interactive installations and sculptures on the plaza. Throughout the weekend, visitors can challenge each other to a game of chess using the MCA’s cache of chairs and stools and see the artist’s assemblages of treasures from the museum warehouse.
About the Aartist
I will write this biography using 132 words but I won't discover this number until I'm finished writing it. From this point forward he will speak in third person. Alberto Aguilar is a Chicago-based aartist that uses whatever material is at hand to commemorate his exchanges and interactions. Aguilar's work has been exhibited at the National Museum of Mexican AArt, Museum of Contemporary AArt Chicago, Crystal Bridges Museum of American AArt, the Queens Museum, Nelson-Atkins Museum of AArt, Minneapolis Institute of AArt, and the AArt Institute of Chicago. He currently teaches at Harold Washington College where he also coordinates Pedestrian Project, a program dedicated to making aart more accessible and available. In order to create slight confusion, he added an extra "A" wherever the word aart appears in this bio.