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NAEA Curriculum Slam! in Seattle


Applications due by midnight on Sunday, January 14, 2018.

Please note: This event takes place in Seattle.

Cultivating Creative & Critical Youth Voices through Art, Media & Design Curriculum

Join teachers from across the continent to share curricula in a fast, functional, and fun format. Returning for its fourth year, the 2018 NAEA Curriculum Slam! shares projects and activities for students that use contemporary art, media, and design practices to investigate and reimagine aspects of contemporary life. Our goal is to present examples of curricula that center on critical and creative youth voices, using art to respond to issues of importance within their local and extended communities.  

Inspired by the emceed hip-hop–style poetry slams pioneered in Chicago in the 1980s, which brought contemporary aesthetics and style to traditional poetry readings, the Curriculum Slam! reinvents the old-style curriculum fair by adapting a 21st-century presentation innovation—the rapid-style PechaKucha format.

Curated by the MCA Teacher Advisory Committee, each performative presentation introduces fresh activities and art-making approaches. The Slam has been a popular yearly feature of the MCA's teacher programming since 2010, and was brought to the National Art Education Association Convention in 2014. The 2018 NAEA National Convention takes place in Seattle.

The NAEA Curriculum Slam! is organized and curated by the MCA with Olivia Gude, Lydia Ross, and James Rees.

Application Process

How does it work?

  • * Educators from around the world apply to present.
  • The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago Teacher Advisory Committee reviews all applications. 8 presenters are chosen.
  • Each presenter gets 7 minutes: 14 PowerPoint slides timed at 30 seconds per slide.

Who can apply?

  • Art educators
  • All grade levels
  • Must have real-world teaching experience in a classroom setting

How do I apply?

Applications have 2 parts:

Part 1. A Word document answering a few questions—who, what, why.

Part 2. Submit a Powerpoint on our Slam! template with only 3 slides—give us a taste of what you plan to do.

Please note: We will only accept ONE project per applicant.

Email completed applications to teacherprograms@mcachicago.org

The MCA Teachers' Advisory Committee will review proposals and will be in touch by late-January to let you know if you made the 2018 Slam! Team. 
