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Spaghetti Blockchain

This page features two accessible formats for the video Spaghetti Blockchain, 2019.

Accessible Format Description

Visual descriptions feature a narration of what occurs visually in the video.

Descriptive captioning presents on-screen captions reflecting the noises made in the work.

We are excited to provide these accessible video formats for all of the video works in Mika Rottenberg: Easypieces. If you have suggestions for improvement, please contact us at webteam@mcachicago.org.

Artwork Caption

  • Spaghetti Blockchain, 2019

Single-channel video installation (sound, color) .

  • 18 minutes, 14 seconds
  • Produced by the Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto; Arts at CERN, the arts program of the European Laboratory of Particle Physics, Geneva, with the support of the Permanent Mission of the United States to the United Nations, Geneva; Sprengel Museum, Hannover, with the support of Niedersächsische Sparkassenstiftung; and New Museum, New York

Courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth

  • Producer and Director of Photography: David Hollander (Fourth Density Productions)
  • Cast: Tyva Kyzy (Choduraa Tumat, Aylanmaa Damyran, and Sholbana Belek-ool), Tabia Wood, Fatima Jamal, Tal Ben Menashe, Meandra Nel, David Stern, Paul Vranesevic, and Joshua Sullivan
  • Director of Set, Props, and Special Effects: Katrin Altekamp (4DEE Productions)
  • Camera: Marcin Kapron, Marcus Brooks, and Yuri Burak
  • Digital Imaging Technician: Loïc de Lame (Laryenco Production) Additional Production Support: John C. Warren (Brooklyn Image Productions)
  • Gaffer: Alan Hostetter
  • Sound Recording: Vasily Amochkin
  • Sound Design and Mix: Ronen Nagel and Nati Taub (Sound Around Studios)
  • Production Manager: Natalia Almada
  • Production Assistant and Special Effects: Jake Couri

Production in Russia: Masha Keder .

  • Production in Switzerland: Mónica Bello and Arts at CERN .
  • Production Intern: Madeleine Kozma

Special thanks to Green Thumb Farms

Spaghetti Blockchain video still

Featuring Descriptive Captioning

Spaghetti Blockchain video still

Featuring Visual Description