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Planned Giving

MCA Family Day, Jan 10, 2015

Photo: Joshua Longbrake © MCA Chicago

By including us in your estate plans, you make a profound and lasting impact on the future of the MCA.

Leave a Legacy

The Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago has been built and sustained through the generosity of our donors. As we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we are particularly grateful to those who remember the museum in their estate plans.

Including the MCA in your estate plan demonstrates an extraordinary commitment to the idea that our collection, exhibitions, and programs connect people to the full spectrum of the human experience, and enhance empathy and understanding in an increasingly complicated world.

We encourage you to let us know if you have already made a provision in your estate plan for the museum, so that we can recognize your thoughtful generosity.

To discuss planned giving opportunities, or if you have already included us in your plans, please contact us at devoservices@mcachicago.org. All inquiries are confidential.

Include the MCA in Your Will

A gift indicated in your will may be a specific amount of money or a percentage of the remainder of your estate. This kind of gift may be made using your will or living trust, and your charitable bequest is 100% tax deductible.

Click on the options below to see examples of sentences that can be added to your will to establish a planned gift to the MCA.

“I hereby bequeath to the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago at 220 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611, the sum of __ dollars or [description of property] for its general purposes.”

“I hereby bequeath to the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago at 220 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611, __% of asset or my estate for its general purposes.”


The following individuals have ensured their lasting legacy by including the museum in their estate plans.

  • Dennis Adrian*
  • Sara Albrecht
  • Alsdorf Foundation
  • Edward F. Anixter*
  • Jennifer Aubrey
  • Charles J. Balkin
  • The Barr Fund
  • Roger W. Barrett*
  • Meta S. and Ronald Berger Family Foundation
  • Edwin Bergman*
  • Joanell Breen*
  • Cherry Paulette Finer Brown
  • Linda Walker and Pete C. B. Bynoe
  • John D. Cartland
  • Glenna Collins*
  • Marianne Deson*
  • Sigmund Edelstone*
  • Gerard Elliot*
  • Richard* and Mary L. Gray
  • Jack and Sandra Guthman
  • Rosetta Harris
  • Mary E. Ittelson
  • John J. Jelinek
  • Gretchen Sandin Jordan and John W. Jordan II
  • Stuart Kane*
  • Jacques Koek*
  • Blanche Koffler*
  • Sigmund Kunstadter*
  • Richard Lenon*
  • Elizabeth A. Liebman
  • Moris Lipschultz*
  • Jerry Luebber*
  • Beatrice Cummings Mayer*
  • Robert and Nancy Mollers
  • Ruth S. and Bernard Nath*
  • Carol Prins and John Hart/The Jessica Fund
  • Joseph Randall Shapiro*
  • Jean Shorr*
  • Rose L. Shure*
  • Hollis Sigler*
  • Rosa Silverman*
  • Mrs. Leo Singer*
  • Dr. Eugene A. Solow*
  • Daryl Gerber Stokols and Jeff Stokols
  • Donna and Howard Stone*
  • Lynn Upchurch
  • Debra Weese-Mayer and Robert N. Mayer*
  • Richard Weisenseel*
  • Danielle and Martin E.* Zimmerman
